
self-improvement, self-development, sharing knowledge, sharing wisdom, fitness, improving our minds and body, solution to problems

Why you need to be bad ? Actually, there is a very simple answer: this is big world and there are all types of people both good and bad....

Why you need to be bad?

Actually, there is a very simple answer: this is big world and there are all types of people both good and bad. For the good people you can be good but you can't always be good with the bad one.

Recently there is a syndrome found named Nice guy Syndrome. 

This is actually very self explanatory. There is a person who always pretends to be good to gain others approval.

They are also the ones who are too weak to fight for the things they want. They think society will give them what they want if they act good. 

Just a parent give their children a reward for their good behaviors and punished them for bad behaviors.

But this child behaviors does not help the adult. You become adult by leaving your childish self behind towards maturity.

And the very important part of being an Adult is to be Assertive. You need to stand up for yourself.

You need to treat people for what they are. You need to leave some people of they are getting toxic for your own good.

You need to think about yourself and your people. You can't just pretend to be nice and think that by doing this you will get what you want like a child.

Take Responsibility:

The world is not like that. There is a very important advice, take responsibility for your life. 

If you are overly nice then some people will take advantage of it. They can see that you are weak.

So, start small, it's ok to be bad sometimes as long as you aren't hurting anyone and just fighting for yourself.

From the next time, if you get a really bad food in a restaurant then tell it to the manager to replace it. You don't need to complain and complain.

Be Assertive and Proactive.

How to Be Assertive:

Being Assertive
means to be able to stand up for yourself, asking for what you want, and exercising your will. Or, in simple terms being able to go for what you need, and want.

It can also means being able to give your opinion on a matter.

Being assertive will help you in all fields of life: relationship, career, personal, etc

Like: In relationship you will able to tell your person that there is some boundary you don't want to be broken, like seeing your journals or diary.

In Career, you can ask your boss for promotions, you can say that you need a holiday for this reasons. And also with your colleagues.


  • Say No: if you are someone who tells everyone 'yes ' in every thing, then you gotta change that. Habituate yourself to say 'No' first, and then analyze what he/she is offering.
  • Exercise Will: Now, if you can say No, then you gotta learn to stay on your grounds where others tries to persuade you. Exercise your Will. Like: if you are studying for the next week important exam and some of your friends tries to make you hang out with them., then stay on your grounds. Keep Studying as it is important task now, keep saying 'No' to them.
  • Be clear on What you Want: You should better know what is it that you want. If you don't then others will decide what you should want. And then it can be good for you and cannot be.

ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THENEWAY: I have Created A Custom Blog, And From now on I am going to post most of the time. So, This Blog will c...


I have Created A Custom Blog, And From now on I am going to post most of the time. So,

This Blog will cover topics on Health, Calisthenics, Mindsets, and Different Strategies for Becoming the Best Version of Yourself.

Click The Link To Visit my new Blog:


Introduction:     In Calisthenics there is many methods and training styles we use to improve our strength, Endurance . and ...




In Calisthenics there is many methods and training styles we use to improve our strength, Endurance.

and one of the most best method for increasing Reps is "Greasing the Grooves". In this technique we choose and exercise of which we are going to do as many sets as you can throughout the day which means longer rests, more frequency. This will also get you familiar with the new exercise you are trying to improve and in calisthenics, this means new skills like: handstand, pull ups, one arms pushups, etc


How It's Works: 

 Greasing the Grooves works in the following manner: 

1. Choose an Exercise you want to improve: Exercises like: Pushups for example. You can choose any exercise (like handstand, pull ups, muscle ups, some variations) you want to master.

2.  Half the Maximum Reps you can do: Like: I can do maximum 10 pushups so, 10/2 = 5. If you get a decimal value like 11/2 = 5.5 then simply round-off the numbers and make it 6.

3. Do the Half Maximum Reps throughout the day: So, my half maximum rep is 5 so, I will do 5 pushups every an hour or two or any time throughout the day. Keeping the track of my Sets I did in a day and Reps per Set



 Here You go with this method you can practice and master that new calisthenic exercise or you can increase the reps of the exercise you want to improve. 

I, Personally increased my pushups reps from 8 to 20 in 1 weeks just by using this technique. I did total of 100 pushups everyday. 

You can feel sore after the day but do it and you can take a 1 day rest. Your body will quickly adapt to this stresses. 

 For More Information on my pushup benefits, check this post:   

100 pushups challenge: benefits 


Important Notes:

Check out my New Custom Blog: THENEWAY


RAGE - Powerful Emotion   R ecently I Come to know about a game which was named GOD OF WAR At first I didn't like its graphics a...

RAGE - Powerful Emotion


Recently I Come to know about a game which was named GOD OF WAR
At first I didn't like its graphics and camera view I thought it would be Boring to play blah blah blah!!
But one day I decided to be more open minded and let's see what type of game it is. So, I first go to YouTube and search for God of war Story  And when I heard the whole story I got impressed by there storyline. So, let me review his story and the reason why am I mentioning it.

Kratos Rage (GOD OF WAR 4) Game

How To Use Your RAGE Correctly!!!

 To use your rage correctly, there is one thing you should keep in mind. And that is Timing.
 this looks simple advice but a very powerful weapon that every great warrior or fighter use.
So, Don't take it lightly I can give an example: 

 Have you ever seen any predator hunting. Predators like Lion, tiger, great white shark, Bear, etc

when ever they hunt their prey firstly they slowly taking their time tries to get close to their prey

Getting close inch by inch metre by metre then they patiently wait for the right moment and when 

 the right moment comes they attack fiercely and kill their prey.  

This is how a great predator hunt. They are very patient and uses their energy on the right time

Like that way when you feel angry don't just smash things up but rather control it

Practice Patience.


How to Be Energetic: Tips to Increase Energy The Main and Common for your Low Energy: In this modern world, Many people feel l...

How to Be Energetic: Tips to Increase Energy

The Main and Common for your Low Energy:

In this modern world, Many people feel low of energy because of this they don't perform their work with 100% and become lazy . Many People thinks that they have low energy because of their diet and they starts to eat more and more calories, proteins but this is not the real cause as even the fat junkie who eats a lot who provided with glucose in body still experience low energy.  The Question is Why???

Real Reason is The Sun Exposure...

Anyone who thinks what and how, Let me explain our biology.
Our body has something called Sleep Cycles. This is pattern of our sleeping and waking up. This cycles also regulates our sleep hormone called Melatonin.

How Sun is Responsible for our Energy:

Now the sun's light is actually helps our brain to understand its now daytime and its time to work. So the brain reduces melatonin and starts to speed up the metabolism and thus, body starts to utilize our stored food to convert to glucose and then use to get energy. But today many people don't get sunlight, they stay in a dark room avoiding sunlight, using their phones or laptop or computer, etc.

Thus, Our body gets confused and at night time we get exposure to blue light from our phones, TV, Laptops, etc which sends false signal like it is now daytime and time to wake up. The body gets confused and don't release melatonin. Our Sleep cycles get disturbed for which we cannot get energy.

Pratical Tips to increase Energy: 


1. Get More Sunlight:

If we get problems from not getting enough. Go out to sun or let the sunlight come in to your room. Open windows and things to let sunlight get in. The UV rays also kill many bacteria which is a double win-win. 

2. Reduce the Exposure to Blue Light:

At night time try to avoid electronic screen as much as possible.
use Apps to filter most of the blue light like for Computer use: F.lux, A Software
If you get plenty of light in the day then at night, your body will catch on the reduce of light.

3. Reduce the Depletion of your Energy:

There are many things in our modern world which suck our energy like a parasite. Some of them are very common but harmful like: Masturbation, Smoking, Drugs, Eating too much, etc

Eating too much will also deplete your energy when the food does not contain anything like: Alcohol but you still need energy to digest it.

Try to stop eating Junk food or any other addiction like: smoking, drugs, etc

4. Go into Ketosis:

Ketosis is a Diet in which we eat more fats, moderate protein and low carbs. As our body first uses carbs as fuels, consuming less of it soon deplete all the carbs and body force to use fat as fuels and fats contains much more energy then carbs. This also increase your energy levels and as make you a fat burner which also makes you to lose weight.

Important Note:

Check out my New Blog on self-development: Theneway.ml


So, That's it. These are the sure ways to increase your energy levels. Make sure to implement them in your life and you will contain so much energy that you can work efficiently, and other people also notice that. Sign off...

100 Push ups a Day: All Experiences Doing 100 push ups a day is challenging at first but with time it becomes easier. So if you ar...

100 Push ups a Day: All Experiences

Doing 100 push ups a day is challenging at first but with time it becomes easier. So if you are a guy who watched some YouTube videos or read some articles about the benefits of doing it or want to know if it works or does it have some disadvantages. You know internet is full of opinions and some people don't actually do research or try it before giving you some advice over the topic so in this blog you are going to know the experience I've got.


Pushups are great bodyweight exercise. It targets mainly chest and triceps. So has I started the first day was not so hard I did it easily but the second day, I felt soreness in my triceps and especially on shoulders and chest area. It was hard to do when you have pain in your muscles But I did it and comes the 3rd day which is quite challenging as same the soreness hasn't gone I did it anyway. Then After some days that 100 pushups a day became easy and boring. And I did more than 100 pushups a day it became that easy.


I noticed some benefits:

1. My Pushups reps increased

2. My Triceps strengthened

HOW TO BE THE BEST SURVIVOR IMPORTANCE OF SURVIVING SKILLS: Surviving Skills are very important even if you're not liv...



Surviving Skills are very important even if you're not live in a jungle, tropical island or in a desert.
Living in a town also surviving skills and if you're get into some trouble like, in a zombie apocalypse,
or in a drought, mass destruction, terrorist attacks, etc You know now there is many dangers which are silent. But there is a single most important thing which you should have if you're in apocalypse, tropical deserts or any situation like, surviving the school classes, some gang members.

THE SKILL IS: Adapting (Flexibility)

With the quote "Survival of the fittest". We can understand that this is most valuable skill not the strength but the ability to adapt themselves in any situation a.k.a enviroment. And you can see our body and brain are in continous change right from the moment we born to the day we die.


In workout, when person wants to build bigger muscles they lift more heavy weights to which the body muscles adapt themselves to lift the heavy weight by increasing muscle mass. After a period for the person it becomes very easy to lift that weight but then there will be no growth in the muscles until the person lift heavier than before.

Practical Ways to Improve it:

By the above example we can understand that Repetition is the key. So, my first tip is

Tip #1: Repetition

If you want to learn driving a car then go for driving more and more as much as you can. If you want to learn Guitar then play it more and more. If you want to master a specific skill then practice more and more. By doing this you literally changing your physical brain as the Research Shows that the new neurons continues to grow in our brain throughout the lifetime. So, when you practice that specific skill everyday or very frequently, in your brain new neural connections starts to made for that specific skill.

Tip #2: Constant Learning

To enhance mental flexibility one of the best way is to learn something new constantly or you can try something new, get a new experience. For Example:

  • Try to brush your teeth using your opposite hand. if you're right-handed then use left-handed
  • you can learn to do a handstand, handstand pushups, High kicks,etc
  • Learn to do fast calculation

Tip #3: Challenging Yourself

Challenging yourself to different kinds of things can also force you to learn and adapt

Important note:

Check out my new Blog on self-development: Theneway